Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Malnutrition of India: Will it ever stop?

Parts of India are one of the poorest countries in the World. Malnutrition of young children is one of the most devastating issues of India today. Lack of food and education of mothers takes over the villages of India.  Malnutrition comes from lack of food and nutrition from birth and up. One of the main reasons for malnutrition children is the lack of concern from the government. I think that putting food centers in villages are not helpful due to the fact that a lot of the food centers constantly have to wait on money from the government. Another reason for malnutrition is the lack of medical care when children fall sick. Most Children fall sick because of the dirty water and poor hygiene. The lack of nutrition also brings weak immune systems, which causes all kinds of infections. If they can’t afford to buy food how can the children see a doctor? Poor people of India are not the only one with malnutrition of their children; even wealthy families have a problem in their home because of the poor eating practices, and the lack of breasts feeding from birth to six months. The help centers of India are trying to teach young mothers how important it is. Since the early 90’s malnutrion in young children has almost doubled, and their goal of bringing down the number of malnutrition people by 2015 does not look promising.

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